The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide – Open Access Courses
When I started running The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide in Yorkshire and the Humber nothing could have prepared us for the sheer weight of demand for the event. With small groups of just 16 delegates, no jargon and no prior knowledge required, the event proved an instant hit. News spread by word of mouth and soon there were hundreds of people clamouring to be given a place with only a few events per year. In order to meet the unprecedented demand I have just organised two new days. These open access courses are open to staff from all NHS organisations – although no finance staff are allowed!
There are two dates currently:
17 June 2010 – Cedar Court Hotel, Wakefield – Full Programme and details
25 June 2010 – Cave Castle Hotel, near Hull – Full Programme and details
Comments from previous participants:
“I wish I had been on this course years ago. I feel it would have helped me so much then. I know I can utilise what I have learnt now. It has been time well spent. Thank you.”
“I feel that the tutor delivered the course extremely well and made what could have been a difficult, unpleasant subject simple, clear and easy to understand.”
Please Reserve your place by using the form below:
To Reserve your place, please fill in the details below and press the Send button at the bottom.
We will contact you within 5 working days to confirm whether a place is available and to arrange for payment to be made.

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