“Great, should be compulsory for new managers in NHS.”

Finance Skills

Two days of Finance Skills For Healthcare Managers in Wakefield with an enthusiastic group of managers and clinicians was a wonderful way to get back into the swing of things after the summer holidays. Here are just some of their kind comments on the event:

“Great, should be compulsory for new managers in NHS.” – Project Manager
“Relevant, informative course. Nicely paced and delivered.” – Ward Sister
“For the first time I am looking forward to my budget meeting. What a challenge!” – Ward Sister
“Good all round course that explains the minefield of accounting in the NHS. Well delivered and tailored round the needs of the group.” – Service Manager
“Well presented and excellent balance of humour and information. Right balance of group and individual.” – Deputy Business and Service Manager
“A very useful and interesting 2 days. I would definitely encourage colleagues to attend. Thank you.” – Service Manager, Health Visiting
“Clinicians generally have limited knowledge about financial issues within their area of practice and its potential impact on service delivery. David utilises a simple, practical and hands on approach to supporting an understanding of this process. I recommend this course to clinicians of all grades. As an essential skill that they ought to have. Very good course.” – Consultant Psychiatrist / Clinical Director


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