An Appreciation of NHS Finance – Hull

An Appreciation of NHS Finance

Having a complete mixture of 40 NHS staff, with a paediatric surgeon, general management trainees, consultant psychiatrist and management accounts assistants always makes for a challenging day. It was a pleasure to find such a warm welcome in Hull and to receive such positive feedback from the delegates

“Excellent and informative in a light hearted way, excellent facilitator pitched at the right level for me as a clinician.” Consultant Psychiatrist, Humber NHS Foundation Trust

“The day was beyond my expectations.” Contract Manager, NHS Hull

“Very informative and interesting day.” Facilities Contract Manager, NHS Hull

“Good mixture of session delivery, listening and doing – interesting.” Modern Matron, Sheffield Children’s Hospital

“I was dreading today but it has been fantastic. Lots of things fell into place – great speaker – thank you! I’m now keen to do more!”

“The facilitator delivered the day in a clear, well paced manner giving the participants the opportunity to participate in discussion. A very enjoyable, informative day.” Facilities Development Manager NHS Hull

“This would be really good information to share with doctors of all grades to understand why managers do what we do.” Service and Business Development Manager, Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

“Speaker was entertaining, articulate and made the information accessible.” Graduate Management Trainee, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

“Very good event, easy to understand and made interesting.” Management Accounts Assistant, Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

“Very interesting day. Even though I am a clinician I found the information useful and will be able to apply and use it in practice.” Locality Matron

An Appreciation of NHS Finance is a one day conference I have been running for several years every few months with the aim of bringing together finance staff, managers and clinicians to share some of the important areas of NHS Finance.


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