“Wonderful day. I have learnt so much.”
Comments received on the latest The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide in Wakefield:
“Pace and speed just right. Feel so much more confident (and maths isn’t my strong point!)” – Assistant General Manager, Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
“Case study was very useful to consolidate learning and increase confidence.” – Chief Audiologist, Sheffield Children’s Hospital
“Very good, enjoyable, fun but gained a great deal of knowledge. Thanks.” – Lead Nurse, Sheffield Children’s Hospital
“Very enjoyable. Will be using this in my job.” – Service Manager, Sheffield Teaching Hospital
“Fantastic Delivery! Creates good understanding of a difficult subject.” – Midwife, Mid Yorks
“An excellent learning experience. This will help me very much in my role in interpreting and managing my budget.” – Assistant Director of HR, Barnsley Hospital NHS FT
“A brilliant day, well delivered has given me a real understanding of our budget.” – Principal Pharmacist, York Teaching Hospital NHS FT
“Great – well done.” – Head of Business Development, Airedale NHS FT
“I always remove myself when talking finance due to lack of understanding and boredom, however not today. I have enjoyed this session and this is because the speaker helped us understand, no jargon, kept us interested. Thank you. :-)” – Radiology Service Manager, Mid Yorkshire
“Wonderful day. I have learnt so much. I will recommend the study to my colleagues.” – Modern Matron, City Healthcare Partnership
“Excellent course – real eye opener.” – Service Manager, Mid Yorkshire
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