“Wonderful day. I have learnt so much.”

Comments received on the latest The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide in Wakefield:

“Pace and speed just right. Feel so much more confident (and maths isn’t my strong point!)”Assistant General Manager, Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
“Case study was very useful to consolidate learning and increase confidence.”Chief Audiologist, Sheffield Children’s Hospital
“Very good, enjoyable, fun but gained a great deal of knowledge. Thanks.”Lead Nurse, Sheffield Children’s Hospital
“Very enjoyable. Will be using this in my job.”Service Manager, Sheffield Teaching Hospital
“Fantastic Delivery! Creates good understanding of a difficult subject.”Midwife, Mid Yorks
“An excellent learning experience. This will help me very much in my role in interpreting and managing my budget.”Assistant Director of HR, Barnsley Hospital NHS FT
“A brilliant day, well delivered has given me a real understanding of our budget.” Principal Pharmacist, York Teaching Hospital NHS FT
“Great – well done.”Head of Business Development, Airedale NHS FT
“I always remove myself when talking finance due to lack of understanding and boredom, however not today. I have enjoyed this session and this is because the speaker helped us understand, no jargon, kept us interested. Thank you. :-)” Radiology Service Manager, Mid Yorkshire
“Wonderful day. I have learnt so much. I will recommend the study to my colleagues.”Modern Matron, City Healthcare Partnership
“Excellent course – real eye opener.”Service Manager, Mid Yorkshire


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