“An excellent facilitator.”

Making the Business Case

Today I was presenting Making the Business Case at The Source in Sheffield. Eighteen managers, clinicians and accountants attended for a rewarding day going through the essential business planning tools and techniques to avoid the main causes of business case failure. Here are just some of their evaluation comments reproduced with kind permission:

Evaluation Comments

“David Bailey is an excellent facilitator.”Head of Therapies, Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital
“Useful, pragmatic day that was delivered well. Thank you.”Service Improvement Facilitator, North Trent Network of Cardiac Care
“A very interesting course – makes you think about future business planning and making it successful.”Addictions Service Manager, City Healthcare Partnership
“A dry topic made interesting with many practical tips for writing business cases.”Principal Pharmacist, York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“Motivational. Thought provoking.”Midwife, MId Yorks NHS Trust
“Look at business planning differently in the future to make a more concise business case. Gave me some v. practical tips I can implement.”Assistant General Manager, Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Trust
“Excellent, clear, concise and informative.”Lead Nurse, Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS Trust


Here are the resources from the day – please use the Username and Password emailed to you to access them – thank you!

PDF File of the PowerPoint slides from the day.

Making the Business Case – Presentation PDF

Word documents created as pro-formas for your use:

Mission Statement Pro-Forma Word
STEEPLE Pro-Forma Word
SWOT – Pro-Forma Word

Other resources:

KPMG Business Planning Sourcebook PDF
KPMG Business Planning Sourcebook PowerPoint
NHS Capital Investment Manual – Business Case Guide PDF
Cabinet Office – Strategy Survival Guide PDF
Cabinet Office – Strategy Survival Guide – Summary PDF
Making the Business Case – Chartered Society of Physiotherapy PDF

“The Green Book is HM Treasury guidance for Central Government, setting out a framework for the appraisal and evaluation of all policies, programmes and projects. It sets out the key stages in the development of a proposal from the articulation of the rationale for intervention and the setting of objectives, through to options appraisal and, eventually, implementation and evaluation. It describes how the economic, financial, social and environmental assessments of a proposal should be combined and aims to ensure consistency and transparency in the appraisal process throughout government.”

The Green Book

“The Magenta Book is HM Treasury guidance on evaluation for Central Government, but will also be useful for all policy makers, including in local government, charities and the voluntary sectors. It sets out the key issues to consider when designing and managing evaluations, and the presentation and interpretation of evaluation results. It describes why thinking about evaluation before and during the policy design phase can help to improve the quality of evaluation results without needing to hinder the policy process.”

Magenta Book


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