“I feel much more confident in my responsibility”
Today was a chance to run a workshop in Newmarket at the Rowley Mile with breathtaking views from the granstand across the whole of the racecourse. Today’s The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide was fully booked as usual and covered the objectives comprehensively:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- List their financial responsibilities
- Get the best out of their finance department
- Use a simple step-by-step method to interpret financial reports
- Project and forecast future financial problems
- List reasons for variances from budget
Comments from today’s event include (with written permission received from each participant):
“Thank you. This has been a very informative presentation and I feel much more confident in my responsibility” – Elizabeth Shillito, Sister, Papworth Hospital NHS Trust
“Very informative, thank you.” – Heather Ballard, Service Development Manager, NHS Midlands and East
“A potentially boring subject was very interesting. Thank you.” – Jane Elliott, Research and Database Manager, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“Great training. Very engaging and witty. A lot of information and knowledge was shared in a way that was easy to understand.” – Sarah Wright, Business Manager, NHS Midlands and East
“Very worthwhile training.” – Sharon McKinnell, Assistant Admin Team Manager RSSC, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“Excellent training.” – Michelle Stevens, Administrative Manager, Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“Very well presented, fully engaged with presenter and subject.” – Shelley Bewsher, Programme Manager, NHS Midlands and East
“Very good presenter.” – Janice Dowse, Business Manager, NHS Midlands and East
“Really good and enjoyable course, would recommend it and even though the subject has the potential to be dry it was delivered in a really engaging way.” – Vittoria Polito, Intelligence Manager, NHS North East Essex PCT
“Very engaging and knowledgeable presenter.” – Mette Vognsen, Independent Investigations Manager, NHS East of England
“Very good and thought provoking.” – James Williams, Deputy Director of Public Health, South Essex Cluster PCT
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