“Please deliver this training to CCG Practices.”

Commissioning Skills

Having two days to deliver a development event is a real luxury in these difficult times. Commissioning Skills is a customised programme I have designed to meet the needs of a small groups of commissioning staff who need support to improve outcomes for patients.

Evaluation Comments

All reproduced with kind written permission of each participant:

“Please deliver this training to CCG practices. Help them to understand that they are part of a bigger health economy. Would be useful to run for a combined group of PCT, CCG, NHS Trust staff.” – Claire Sibbald, Commissioning Facilitator, NHS Kirklees
“I think the GP Commissioners would benefit from this training.” – Lisa Jamieson, Senior Medicines Management Technician, NHS Kirklees
“A very useful and interesting workshop.” – Gill Day, Public Health Manager (Long Term Conditions), NHS Wakefield District
“Overall a good course and a good introduction to what it takes to commission a service.” – Pam Lees, Project Officer, NHS Kirklees
“Enjoyed course, was very relevant to area of work and lots of useful info can take back to workplace and apply in commissioning role.” – Sharon Cox, Commissioning Support Manager, NHS Wakefield


The Co-operation and Competition Panel for NHS-Funded Services
Supply2health – PCT procurement portal for clinical services


Code of practice for the promotion of NHS-funded services
Procurement Guide for Commissioners of NHS-Funded Services – Author: System Management & New Enterprise Division, Publication date: 30 July 2010. The Procurement Guide provides guidance to commissioners on the use of procurement as a mechanism for securing new contracts and identifying the best placed provider, whilst making best use of scarce commissioning resources and ensuring compliance with Law. It is one of several system management tools and guidance documents and is also referenced in the Principles and Rules for Cooperation and Competition.
Transactions Manual The Transactions Manual is a system management tool introduced in the 2008/9 Operating Framework. The Manual has been developed jointly with Monitor to support best practice amongst providers of NHS services, commissioners, Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) and their respective advisers as they develop transactions within the UK health economy. The transactions covered by the Manual are acquisitions, divestments or disposals, demergers, joint ventures, franchises and statutory mergers.
Any Qualified Provider
Operational guidance to the NHS – extending patient choice of provider – This document provides guidance to providers and commissioners on implementation of the Government commitment to extend patient choice of provider.
Supply2health AQP Resource Centre – Q&A and guidance


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