GP Development Programme

Finance Skills CCG Clinical Leads

Having half a day with GPs to cover finance skills is a real luxury – after all, isn’t most GP development done in a lunchtime? It was a pleasure to visit King’s Mill Hospital in Sutton-in-Ashfield, opened as a military hospital in 1942 as the 30th General Hospital of California – the first American wartime hospital in Britain. The hospital looks as if it has had the £320m of recent investment, with its colourful exterior, wide shopping malls and tall tower blocks.

Here are the resources referred to:


Confirmation of Payment by Results (PbR) arrangements for 2012-13
Download 2012-13 tariff information spreadsheet (XLS, 2072K)
Download NHS Costing Manual (PDF, 306K)
Reference costs guidance for 2011-12

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