“I enjoyed the content and method enormously and thought David’s style, demeanour and approach refreshing, fun and effective. He is clearly an accomplished professional but is able to communicated his abilities in an accessible way.”

Commerical Skills for CSS

According to the NHS Commissioning Board in its Commissioning Support Key Facts Commissioning Support Services have the following roles:

“Local and national CSS are being designed to offer an efficient, locally-sensitive and customer-focused service to CCGs. CCGs are likely to need support in carrying out both the transformational commissioning functions, like leading change and service redesign, and the more transactional commissioning functions, such as procurement, contract negotiation and monitoring, information analysis, and risk stratification.”

The aim of today’s event near York was to identify how Commissioning Support Services can create efficient, locally-sensitive and customer-focused services by using commercial skills and understanding.

Workshop Objectives

The objectives of the day were that by the end of the workshop, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of being able to market their services.
  • Confidently identify their service features and formulate them into impressive customer benefits.
  • Use commercial skills that can help them to sell their services.
Evaluation Comments

Comments from delegates include (all reproduced with kind written permission):

“The pace and content worked well to give an overall enjoyable session delivering useful techniques to take back to work.” – Jon Cooke, Business Services Director, North Yorkshire and the Humber CSS
“Very good and enjoyable course.” – Darren Williams, Finance Manager, North Yorkshire and the Humber CSS
“I would like all teams to come on this course (at least top 2 levels).” – Annabel Johnson, Commissioning Services Director, North Yorkshire and the Humber CSS
“I enjoyed the content and method enormously and thought David’s style, demeanour and approach refreshing, fun and effective. He is clearly an accomplished professional but is able to communicated his abilities in an accessible way.” – Mark Janvier, Interim Relationship Manager, North Yorkshire and the Humber CSS
“David gave a great delivery (as usual).” – Yvonne van Zeller, Head of Financial Services, North Yorkshire and the Humber CSS

The key documents from the day are:

The Chartered Institute of Marketing: The real NHS: the benefits of a marketing approach
Presentation Slides: Presentation PDF
Handouts: Questionnaires – Service and Self Assessments

Many thanks to everyone for participating in such a positive day.


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