“All the things that need to be considered when costing a service.”

Costing Your Service

Many thanks to everyone who attended my Costing Your Service Workshop in Essex today. Despite a hot and noisy room it was fascinating to see the parallel needs of both commissioners and providers for high quality costing information.

Evaluation Comments

Comments from today’s event include (with written permission received from each participant):

“All the things that need to be considered when costing a service even though the NHS Costing Manual makes no sense at all!” – Pat Harvey, Business Delivery Manager, North East Essex CCG

“Method of costing – apply in future contract negotiations with providers – have greater clarity on the provider approach / arguments.” – Victoria Sawtell, Business Delivery Manager, NHS North East Essex CCG

“Good course which I will be able to use methods taught in the future.” – Jaya Bawa, AFM, Mid Essex Hospitals NHS Trust


NHS Reference Costs

2010-11 reference costs publication

NHS Costing Manual

NHS costing manual 2010-11

NHS Mandatory Tariff

Confirmation of Payment by Results (PbR) arrangements for 2012-13


2012-07-19 Costing Your Service Presentation

Many thanks to everyone who participated in such an enjoyable day.


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