“Fantastically presented. Well pitched. Good, appropriate use of interaction. “

Finance Skills

Many thanks to the managers and doctors who attended my two day Finance Skills event in Manchester. It was a pleasure to have your company and particularly pleasurable to have some challenge and robust debate.

Comments from Participants

“Fantastically presented. Well pitched. Good, appropriate use of interaction. Very enjoyable and very useful. Thank you.” – Dr Adam Moreton, Junior Doctor Medical Advisor, NHS North West


Here are the resources from the day – please use the Username and Password emailed to you to access them – thank you!

PDF File of the PowerPoint slides from the day.

Finance Skills – Presentation PDF


Supply2health – PCT procurement portal for clinical services

Other background resources:

Audit Commission – Achieving First Class Financial Management PDF
NHS Executive – Directions on Financial Management in England PDF
Cardiff Business School – History of Costing, Funding and Budgetary Control in UK Hospitals PDF
House of Commons – Financial Management in the NHS PDF
Audit Commission – World Class Financial Management PDF

Reforms information:

Procurement Guide for Commissioners of NHS-Funded Services – Author: System Management & New Enterprise Division, Publication date: 30 July 2010. The Procurement Guide provides guidance to commissioners on the use of procurement as a mechanism for securing new contracts and identifying the best placed provider, whilst making best use of scarce commissioning resources and ensuring compliance with Law. It is one of several system management tools and guidance documents and is also referenced in the Principles and Rules for Cooperation and Competition.
Transactions Manual The Transactions Manual is a system management tool introduced in the 2008/9 Operating Framework. The Manual has been developed jointly with Monitor to support best practice amongst providers of NHS services, commissioners, Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) and their respective advisers as they develop transactions within the UK health economy. The transactions covered by the Manual are acquisitions, divestments or disposals, demergers, joint ventures, franchises and statutory mergers.
Any Qualified Provider
Operational guidance to the NHS – extending patient choice of provider – This document provides guidance to providers and commissioners on implementation of the Government commitment to extend patient choice of provider.
Supply2health AQP Resource Centre – Q&A and guidance

NHS Costing

NHS Reference Costs – 2010-11 reference costs publication
NHS Costing Manual – NHS costing manual 2010-11
NHS Mandatory Tariff – Confirmation of Payment by Results (PbR) arrangements for 2012-13

Please feel free to get in contact.


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