“An excellent event. Marketing in terms I could understand.”
In the NHS, marketing does not always seem relevant. After all, isn’t it just about selling and advertising?
Today’s Marketing Yourself and Your Service workshop in Leeds was a fascinating insight into how useful many of the marketing techniques used outside the NHS can be in creating a patient-led NHS and in ensuring equity of service delivery. If we truly believe in the public service values of the NHS then we must all focus on the patient and client perspective. Marketing can help us do this.
Comments from delegates include (all reproduced with kind written permission):
“An excellent event. Marketing in terms I could understand.” – Anne Hoyle, Assistant Director AHPs, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
“Thank you – very enjoyable and practical approach.” – Tracy Joy, Professional Advisor, Nutrition and Dietetics, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“Very thorough and enjoyed the whole day.” – J Ward, Clinical Director, Nutrition adn DIetetics Service, THe Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
“Another excellent day. Thank you. Kept my interest throughout.” – Katherine Jones, Dietetics and Acute Therapy Services Manager, Airedale NHS Trust
“Really useful ideas and motivation to take and put in place in the department.” – Emma Oates, Weight Management Lead, Leeds Community Health Care
The key documents from the day are:
The Chartered Institute of Marketing: The real NHS: the benefits of a marketing approach
Presentation Slides: Presentation
Handouts: Questionnaires – Service and Self Assessments
Many thanks to everyone for participating in such a positive day.
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