“Excellent presentation, thoroughly enjoyed it.”
Today’s event in Southampton was a chance to investigate tools and techniques to improve Forecasting and Financial Modelling in the NHS. Many thanks to everyone who attended and made the day so interesting and challenging.
Workshop Comments
Comments on the evaluation forms included (reproduced with kind written permission):
“Excellent presentation, thoroughly enjoyed it.” – Rachael Raven, Assistant Business Partner, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Here are the resources from the day – please use the Username and Password given to you to access them – thank you!
A copy of the authorised version of the Best Practice Spreadsheet Modelling Standards. The Spreadsheet Standards Review Board is the body that develops and maintains the Best Practice Spreadsheet Modelling Standards. The SSRB was established by BPM Analytical Empowerment Pty Ltd to bring together the best spreadsheet modelling skills from around the world in order to develop and gain general acceptance for comprehensive and universally applicable Best Practice Spreadsheet Modelling Standards:
A simple Visual Basic Excel macro which will colour-code cells to highlight the contents of each cell with different formats:
An Excel workbook containing some simple suggestions for spreadsheet design:
Principles, Techniques and Practice of Spreadsheet Style by Philip L. Bewig — July 28, 2005:
Spreadsheet Modelling Best Practice by Nick Read and Jonathan Batson – April 1999:
CIMA’s review of In-year Financial Forecasting in the NHS from 2007:
Presentation from the day
Forecasting and Financial Modelling Presentation Handout PDF
Please get in touch if you would like any further resources or information.
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