“Fantastic explanations and nice to have training with a sense of humour. Made it so much easier to understand.”

Commissioning Readiness

Many thanks to all the GPs and Practice Managers who attended the first of the two Commissioning Readiness events in Halifax today. It was a pleasure to have your company to look at the bigger picture of Government finances, the NHS reforms and the meaning of Commissioning.

Evaluation Comments

Comments received from participants included (all with written permission to be reproduced):

“Essential workshop for any Practice Manager, Partner or newbie to Primary Care!” – Kirsty Freeman, Contracts Manager

“Fantastic explanations and nice to have training with a sense of humour. Made it so much easier to understand.” – Julie Humphries, Assistant Practice Manager

“Went very well, good level of content, humour, interaction and knowledge transfer.” – Will Menzies, Business Manager


Budget 2014 (external link)
OECD Health Data (external link)
Contracts Finder (formerly Supply2Health) (external link)

Presentation 2014-05 Commissioning Readiness Day 1 PDF

Here’s a fabulous short video to explain the structural changes within the NHS:


Please get in touch if you would like any further resources or information.

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