“Excellent – for a finance session it was captivating!”

Many thanks to everyone who came to the Effective Ward Manager Conference at the Hallam Conference Centre in London today.

Evaluation Comments

“Entertaining – linking finance to quality.”

“Excellent, fun, positive attitude to such an ‘unappealing subject’. It was made very interesting and engaging, lots of discussion & very informative. Made it clear to understand.”


“Invaluable information – thank you!!”

“Don’t hold budget but found this engaging & interesting which was very much due to this persons presenting skills.”

“Perfect last session, enjoyable topic.”

“Extremely interesting and lively presentation keeping our attention 100%.”

“Excellent – for a finance session it was captivating!”

“Absolutely excellent – good bullet point slides.”

“Very good – made budgets interesting.”

My section of the day covered:

  • understanding your rights as a budget holder
  • ensuring you use finance as a resource by building on your relationship with your accountant
  • finding out the financial rules which govern your management of budgets
  • taking time to review how your ward is running from a business and financial perspective
  • tips and advice for Ward Managers managing budgets
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