“David is excellent. Has really improved my confidence.” – Costing Your Service – Cambridge

Costing Your Service

Many thanks to everyone who attended my Costing Your Service Workshop in Cambridge today. It was a pleasure to have your company.

Evaluation Comments

Comments from today’s event include (with written permission received from each participant):

“David is excellent. Has really improved my confidence.”Liz Ellis, Team Manager

“A good recap on costing principles and language. Good all round course – would recommend.” Paula Carr, DCS Business Accountant

Nice mix of presentation and exercise.”Lizzie Gifford, Business Manager

“Excellent amount of theory to practical examples which allowed staff to work through.”Cheryl Riotto, Matron


Here are the resources from the day:

Approved Costing Guidance

NHS Improvement’s Approved Costing Guidance

NHS Reference Costs

NHS reference costs 2015 to 2016

NHS Mandatory Tariff

National tariff payment system 2017/18 and 2018/19


2017-03-14 Costing Your Service Presentation

Many thanks to everyone who participated in such an enjoyable day. Please feel free to leave a review below.


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