“Excellent style of training – making difficult topics simple.” – The NHS Budget Holder’s Survival Guide – Birmingham

The NHS Budget Holder's Survival Guide - davidbaileyfcca

Another great day running The Budget Holder’s Survival Guide – this time in Birmingham through HFMA for a mixed group of NHS staff.

Evaluation Comments

Comments from today’s event include (with written permission gratefully received from each participant):

“Excellent style of training – making difficult topics simple.”

“A great informative and interactive day. I will use my new skills.”

“Excellent teaching style. Humour and informing.”

“Totally relevant and at the right pace.”

“Practical exercises really embed the learning. Extremely relevant and a valuable learning experience.”

“Thank you for making the dark arts – light! :)”

“Much more useful than I was actually expecting.”

It’s always interesting to see how people’s confidence in interpreting financial reports can be transformed in just a day. I’ve spent two decades doing finance training within the NHS and have developed a Seven Step Method for interpreting financial reports using seven questions, making three calculations and taking no more than 15 minutes. It works every time.


It’s essential to have a Budgetary Control Policy within your organisation if you’re going to have clear standards of financial support and clear policies for financial practice. Examples of Budgetary Control Policies include:

Lincolnshire Partnership – Budgetary Control Manual
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust – Budgetary Control Policy
Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG – Budget Holders Manual

I wish you luck in implementing your Action Plan. Do let me know how you get on. Many thanks to everyone who made the day so successful. Feel free to leave a review below in Leave A Reply. Thank you.

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