“Captivating, thought-provoking, charismatic.” Clinical Directors and Lead Clinicians – The King’s Fund

I’ve worked with The King’s Fund for many years, delivering the finance elements of their board and senior leader programmes, including for medical directors. It was a pleasure to present the Clinical Directors and Lead Clinicians Programme for The King’s Fund.

Evaluation Comments

Here are the evaluation comments from participants (with thanks for their permission to reproduce them):

“A very helpful crash course of finance and economics for experienced clinicians wanting to enhance understanding and be effective at board level.”

“Very engaging and interesting. I have gained great insights!”

“Such an eye-opening insight into NHS finances. That was ace!”

“Informative and engaging and delivered with some humour.”

“Never thought I’d enjoy learning about NHS finance so much.”

“Engaging, insightful, fun. Will recommend.”

“I never thought I would have enjoyed spending a whole morning talking about finance with an accountant – but I definitely did! And have been left inspired to engage with my finance department.”

“Excellent lecture for a rather complex issue. Very helpful in understanding perspectives of finance and economics.”

“Very good structured, engaging talk. Clearly differentiated finance and economics. I would love to attend this talk if opportunity provided. I would highly recommend.”

“David made NHS finance reporting and budgeting sound fun to understand. Very funny and humorous style of presentation on a serious topic of NHS finance and budgeting.”

“Hugely informative and entertaining at the same time. Built on my existing knowledge.”

“Captivating, thought-provoking, charismatic.”

“Engaging, informative and essential. Wish I’d had this session earlier in my career.”

“Insightful engaging and informative. Delivered with humour, understanding and experience. Thank you!”

Big Numbers - davidbaileyfcca

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